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The Grapefruit Garden and the Seven Colored Earth, Mauritius 🌺

🌳 After telling you about the adventures during which we fed baby crocodiles and met a family of lemurs, it's time to close our section on Mauritius with a few last suggestions for adventurers and nature lovers : The Grapefruit Garden and Chamarel, the seven colored earth.

🍍 The strongest memory that we will keep of Mauritius beyond the beauty of the Mauritians, their welcome and their kindness is the power that emanates from plants, earth and landscapes.

🌴 When you think of this island, you imagine spending a vacation at the beach and yet there is so much more than that to do there ! We didn't have time to see everything, but if there are two addresses that we visited and that amazed us, it's the Grapefruit Garden and Chamarel, the seven colored earth.

🍊 The Grapefruit Garden is a very large botanical garden that I highly recommend you visit with a guide. Indeed, know that the guides present in the garden are captivating and super funny ! Of course, you can do without, but you would miss out on an extraordinary moment for you and for your children !

🥥 Learning while having fun has never been truer, children and visitors are involved all the time. Together we talk to each other, we listen, we observe, we touch, we smell, we do experiments and we also sometimes taste... In short, it's TOPISSIME !

🌞 As for Chamarel, it is an area that is home to splendors such as the largest waterfall on the island but also these immense dunes of land rich in volcanic ash and minerals whose seven colors never mix. If you spend a day in the region with your children do not hesitate to stop there.

🐢 Nature is beautiful and so plural. To make our children aware of ecology, this kind of outing connected to the environment is necessary. Obviously you don't need to go to Mauritius for that, but explore, get dirty, discover different paintings, different landscapes: the beach, the sand, the forest, the smells, the snow, the seasons, the cold, the heat, the animals, insects, ... brings inking, openness, humility and wonder.

🦇 Plus, it works with adults too ! 🤗

🌱 End of this section on Mauritius ! Did you like it ?

💚 See you soon !

February drop :


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