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Sports Village, Foire de Paris

Have you planned to spend a family day at the Foire de Paris to visit the largest home fair in Europe? Don't miss the Sports Village organized in collaboration with the Regional Olympic and Sports Committee of Île de France!

We tested for you the various activities made available to the little ones: horse riding, climbing, badminton, handball, football, basketball... and the least we can say is that Bby loved it!

Very caring staff and top-notch organization, the children go from one activity to another without having to wait... "What if when I get home they sign me up for handball lessons?" Here's a good idea! Thank you Foire de Paris for this successful initiation!

After a good hour of sport came the moment of comfort... Why don't we take a look at the "Festival Tropiques en Fête"? Artisanal specialities, tastings and shows of madness we can say that there is atmosphere at the Foire de Paris!

After a long trip through the stands from all over the world, we stop at the stand of an Italian ice cream parlor to treat ourselves to a little sweetness before hitting the road again!

A colorful day! Really nice !

Where :

Le Village des Sports

(Foire de Paris)

Parc des expositions porte de Versailles

75015 Paris

Price : Gratuit pour les - de 7 ans

7€ pour les 7-12 ans 13€ en ligne pour les plein tarifs


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