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Lunch with crocodiles ! (Mauritius) 🐊

🌮 To start our section dedicated to activities for children to do in Mauritius, we have chosen to tell you about the super Vanille Nature Park !

🩎 This paradise for children (but let's also say it for parents) is located in the south of the island and is home to dozens of endemic animal species such as macaques, iguanas, giant tortoise chameleons, but also lemurs and ... crocodiles!

🌞 Notice to parents of budding little adventurers, don't miss this address if you're in the area!

🐊 Small and large crocodiles are fed every day in public and participation at this time is free. So we registered bby to feed the small specimens using a cane. It was a unique experience, a source of memories forever inked in our memories.

🐒 At lunch time we then went for a walk to the "Hungry Crocodile". A nice snack bar with a 360° view of the treetops located in the heart of the park and where free-roaming macaques observed us from afar.

🙈 What a place to play Where's Waldo! Pinch me I feel like I'm dreaming !

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Where : Le Vanille Nature Park

Riviere des Anguilles 60602 Senneville Mauritius

Price :

EntrĂ©es parc 500rs par adultes (10€) 150 rs par enfant (3€) Nourrir les bĂ©bĂ©s croco

200 rs par personne (4€)


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