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L'Académie Française, Paris VI

Today I'm going to talk to you about the Académie Française, that of Jean d'Ormesson or Simone Veil... Not to be confused with the Comédie Française of Molière, Guillaume Gallienne or Laurent Lafitte! :)

Indeed the French Academy is not a national theater but an institution in charge of defining the French language by developing in particular the famous dictionary!

Also be aware that many of the definitions that you have consulted during your school career in particular were written by members of this prestigious institution who are called academicians or "immortals".

To apply for this position, you just need to be able to demonstrate your love for the French language and to be... less than 75 years old! Among the most famous immortals we note the illustrious: Jean d'Ormesson, Simone Veil, Racine, Montesquieu, Corneille, Victor Hugo, ... And if you ask me my opinion I still do not understand why Molière was not there ... Francis Huster and I, same fight! ^^

In any case, what an emotion to visit the dome where so many personalities and great moments in history have taken place... My favourite? That of Jean d'Ormesson's speech during the investiture of Simone Veil! Beware, it's (VERY) moving!

Where :

Académie Française

23 Quai de Conti 75006 PARIS Price : Gratuit


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