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"Felines" exhibition at the National History Museum

Can you name me 38 species of felines without counting the breeds of domestic cats? I'll wait ! Lots of them are missing ? It's normal ! Come and discover these magnificent creatures, from the best known to the most confidential, during the wonderful "Felines" exhibition at the Natural History Museum !

We loved this exhibition during which we learned a lot by playing, listening and observing these animals that we thought we knew...

No animal documentary or safari on the other side of the world will be able to provoke the thrill that one feels at the front row of these breathtaking hunting scenes.

A success !

Où : Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Grande Galerie de l'Evolution

57 rue Cuvier

75005 Paris

Prix : Gratuit pour les moins de 3 ans

10€ pour les 3 - 25 ans 13€ Plein Tarif


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