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"Basquiat Soundtracks" Philharmonie de Paris

If, like me, you are a fan of Jean-Michel Basquiat, go visit the magnificent "Basquiat Soundtracks" exhibition at the Philharmonie de Paris ! More than an exhibition, a unique experience awaits you !

Indeed, the soundtrack of the exhibition produced using AI (artificial intelligence) offers a symphony of ambient sounds captured in New York in the 80s depending on the time you visit the expo.

So you can, in addition to listening to the hits that inspired Basquiat so much in his studio, hear the sounds he could get from his window or when he went out.

This exhibition therefore not only allows you to see exceptional works, it also provides the feeling of spending time with the artist. A unique moment in addition since it depends on your time of passage.

For our part, the experience happened in the morning. After a hectic awakening to rather punk influences, we went out and found some friends ! Together, we danced to pop-rock sounds and even did hip-hop in a studio. Then it was time to join the paint studio to work there while listening to jazz, so we left our friends and gave them an appointment to go party later in a club! We hit the road and along the way, we saw lots of beautiful things in the streets of New York. At the station it was calm and there was only us...

crédit photo : Mark Sink

After a magnificent trip to Africa and a thousand encounters, our trip finally ended on the infamous "EROICA" canvas in front of which Jean-Michel Basquiat posed to promote his last exhibition in 1988. Behind this sad face that you've never seen before you could read the inscription "Man Dies". A few days later, it was precisely Jean-Michel Basquiat who died at the age of 27.

A fantastic artist, greatly missed and an exhibition you should absolutely go to if you want my opinion ! Où : La Philharmonie de Paris 221 avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris Prix :

Gratuit pour les moins de 16 ans

8€ pour les 16 - 25 ans

14€ plein tarif


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